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题 名  意思表示错误问题研究  
作 者  解志国  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  民法学  
指导教师  崔建远  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990407  
中文文摘  什么是错误?学说上存在着广泛的争论,概而言之,有罗马法学说,大陆法学说及英美法学说。综上参考各个学说本文认为,错误是指表意人因自身原因致其主观认识与现实之间不一致而这种不一致并不为表意人所知。它包含两方面内容。一是意思表示自身错误,二是意思表示的前提或基础错误。错误与误解这对概念,本文认为不应严格加以区分,误解应包含在广义的错误之中。错误在民法中的体现,主要体现在合同、婚姻行为、收养行为等具体的法律行为中。

英文文摘  What is error? The broad controversies about it exit in the academic circle. Generally, there are three major schools, those are, Rome School, the Continent School an dthe Common Law School. The author think that error is the inconsistency caused of the self reason of the expressing person does not know this inconsistency. Two aspects are included in the concept first is the error of the declaration of will, second is the premise or basis the declaration of will is in error. The author think that the concepts of error and misunderstanding should not be distinguished and the misunderstanding should be included in the broad concept of error. Error is mainly embodied in the contract, marriage, adoption and other civil legal acts of the civil law.
The happening of error is began from the time that the expressing person is in the wrong understanding or performs some wrong acts. The subjective expression is usually negligence. The recognition of error is hard to be achieved and several ways of recognizing error are analyzed in the paper.
(1) the real willing may be explicit by the destination of the expressing person;
(2) the objective standard, that is the usual person''s standard and denotes that the error is recognized by the justification of a usual rational person;
(3) the result standard. It denotes tht the error is recognized through the way that wether the expressing person is in the misunderstanding. It includes some methods of like the principle of equal in value, the principle of fairness; and
(4) the subsidiary standard.
The classification of error is different in different countries. Through the research and evaluation on the classification of the error in the Rome Law and the Common Law, the new classification is achieved in the paper. In this paper, the error is expressed by the behaving person has major difference with has real willing , and this deference will influence the rights and the major error and it will not influence the effect of a legal act.
In the detailed introduction to the way of resolving the problem, the motive error, comprise error, calculation error and delivering error are extensively analyzed and the conclusion is obtained at the end of the detailed introduction.
Lastly, the thinking of perfecting of China''s error legislation ism given. Through the research on the legislative basis, the ongoing situation of China''s error legal system, and the need of new legislation, the suggestion of how to perfect China''s error legal system is proposed at the end of the paper.

关键词  错误,认定,解决之道,自由词  
分类标识  D923  
论文注解日期  19981215  
总页数  68P


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