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论文英文题名:Study On Autonomy And Rule Of Law
指导教师:姚建宗  教授
分类标识  DF0-052
中英文主题标识 Autonomy  Rule of Law
总页数  43页


在此基础上, 对自治与法治从三方面展开相关理论分析:第一,市民社会是自治与法治的共同社会基础。其中,私人自治是人类社会发展的基本推动力,公共领域的自治运作则构成了现代法治主义国家产生的土壤。自治与法治在私域和公领的界分发展中实现其良性互动;第二,自由和平等是自治和法治共同的价值取向。在对两种基本自由内涵和发展进行分析后认为作为自治和法治共同价值取向所关注的自由主要即是哈耶克所谓“不受他人专断意志干涉”的否定性自由,这是所有其他形式自由的基础与源泉。自治是自由的现实表征,自由则是自治的灵魂所在。由此探讨自由在私人领域和公共领域自治中的不同特点和作用以及法治对其相应的保障与维护。由于不同自治主体在实践中各有其本位利益,因此,适宜的社会共同体代表只能由超越于社会的国家来承担,并根据历史和现实的经验,必须由法治对其进行限制与规范,以此从国家层面保障自由的存在与发展,并由于其对个人自由的关注而使自由的配置达到力量上的均衡;自治和法治另一重要的价值取向是平等, 在分析平等内涵在西方自由主义语境下的发展后认为,在对二者关系的均衡中西方法治社会对自由主义价值观的关注是其根本。同时为了自由的真正实现,需要对平等价值的关注,以此构成自由真正实现的前提与保障。二者共同构成了自治与法治的内在价值追求;第三,在观念意识、规范与制度框架、主体和社会层面自治和法治的互动:自治与法治对于人的意义与作用居于首要地位,其他一切内容都以此为中心展开。其中,观念意识层面质的同一是互动深层有效的根源,在此前提下,通过一定的规范与制度框架形成基本的渠道与方式,在复杂的社会场景中实现二者的良性互动,自治和法治由此成为人类良好生存的两个重要维度。
最后,结合以上分析考察我国当前法治实践:由于历史传统积淀以及建国后,改革开放前,国家对社会的全面吞并,我国市民社会并未完全建立起来,法治建设主要是由国家权力单线支配与控制的过程,从观念意识、规范制度和主体进而在社会层面都缺乏自治的回应。为了克服这种状况,同时应对全球化冲击,我国法治建设必须同时重视自治的发展。在国家层面,从立法、执法和司法的技术性改革中回应社会要求与变化,持续深化政治体制改革,这是法治确立与发展的制度基础。更为重要并具有全局性意义的,则是在社会层面培育发展可以对抗制衡国家的社会,积极推动保障个体权利的践行, 扩大与保障社会政治自由的行使与实践。由此实现市民社会中对法治内容的积极实践与运作。这是法治应对时局、真正建立的基础性要件。


As an important academic topic, the study of the Rule of Law has been carried out from several aspects ,combining the practical requests in our country, the discuss of the relation between Autonomy and Rule of Law no wonder has great significance as the former is a basic characteristic and premise of the latter.

As the important way of right practice and the aim of state power limitation, Autonomy, which immanently linked to the concept of Rule of Law, can be divided into two parts: private area and public area.

In this discourse, first, we explain the evolution and development of relation between Autonomy and Rule of Law through the history from Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and Middle Ages to Modern Times, and know: as the human’s instinctive demand, one of the important character of the Autonomy in different phases is the individual’s breaking away  from other explicit category, come out and take the main statue. The development of Autonomy needs the suitable heteronomy more steady and uniform and thus promotes the Rule of Law’s coming into being.

The analysis in theory for the relation between Autonomy and Rule of Law launched on the basement from three angles: firstly, the civil society is the basement both for Autonomy and Rule of Law, and is the realistic basement for the mutual function. As the practice place of everyday life, the civil society can be divided into private area and public area, which has the basic characteristic of independence and self-determination contrasting to the political state. The private area is the basic driving force pushing the human society’s development and the public area’s autonomy constitutes the soil of the rule of law, citizen society and the consciousness of right. Autonomy and Rule of Law are just founded and developed on the expanding of private field and public field in the civil society, hence it is the civil society which form the basement of the two. Secondly, Autonomy and Rule of Law have the same value of freedom and equality. After a fundamental analysis of the two kinds of freedoms’ basic meaning. We know, the negative meaning of which is the basement and source of other forms of freedom. Autonomy is a realistic manifest of freedom and freedom is the soul of Autonomy . after a concrete analysis of the different characteristic and function of freedom in private area and the public area, we know that the practice of freedom in the autonomy’s development has its intrinsic limitation ,that is, different subject has its different request and interest in society. And thus, the suitable social subject representative for the whole community can only be assumed by the state, but in reality, the state cannot concern the overall interests of the society and to promote freedom strictly. According to the experience of history and reality, the state’s must be confined by the action of Rule of Law, which guarantee the freedom through right protection and power limitation. and thus form the indispensable request for the freedom’s and development. Especially concerning the individual freedom, which balanced the distribution of forces . Another important value for Autonomy and Rule of Law is equality, which developed and be determined by the value of freedom in east countries. In the same time ,equality formed the precondition and guarantee for freedom’s really realization. Thirdly, analysis the mutual effect concretely from the conception and regulations, subjects and society background then concluded ,the meaning for human beings in Autonomy and Rule of Law have the first place and all the other aspects are expanded round this. Among this , the same conception is the source of validity for the mutual action between Autonomy and Rule of Law, and through the regulations and systems, Autonomy and Rule of Law realized in the broad society areas. And become two important dimensions for the existence and development of human beings.

At last, study the realistic situation of our country considering the analysis above, we know the civil society in our country isn’t existence in strictly because of the history tradition and the state power’s intervention before the Reform and Open policy carried out, so the building of the society ruled of law has been controlled and driven by the state power, while the autonomous response is absent in all aspects from the consciousness, the normative institutions, subjects, to the social background. In order to react to this situation and to conform to the trend of globalization, we must pay more attention to the autonomy in the building of Rule of Law, which means to continue the political reform while keeping the technical reform in legislation, administration and jurisdiction. And above all, to cultivate an strong society which can checks-and-balances the state power, promote the exertion of individual rights and guarantee the practice of political freedom. And this is the fundamental circumstance and basic guarantee for the building of Rule of Law.

In short , Autonomy is the essential premises for the setting up and development of Rule of Law, and Rule of Law is the basic guarantee for autonomy. So there are inherent relation between them. And in the building of Rule of Law in our country, the development and cultivation of autonomy must be regarded seriously in the same time. And only through this can insure the road of building of Rule of Law in our country ‘s realization, and the success in building the society Ruled of Law.


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