管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 15:56  点击:7459
题 名  论亲告罪  
作 者  王喜娟  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  刑法学  
指导教师  吴振兴  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3000027  
中文文摘  亲告罪作为一个法定犯罪类型,有其特有的存在价值。在其他许多国家,关于亲告罪都有较为完备的规定。但在我国,刑法理论中对亲告罪鲜有论及,刑法规定也显过疏,甚至刑法与刑事诉讼法关于亲告罪的规定在衔接上出现了失调现象。因此,本文不揣冒昧,试对亲告罪的相关理论作以探讨,分五个部分进行。
英文文摘  As a legal category of crimes, the autonomous-complaint crime has its particular value ,In many other countries , there is more detailed regulations about the autonomous-complaint crime. But in our country, the theory about it has little to be discussed ,and the provisions about it even have contradiction between the criminal law and the criminal procedure law. Therefore, the author discusses the connected theory about the autonomous-complaint crime in five parts.
The fist part : the definition and character of the autonomous-complaint crime .There is no objection about the definition. the author generizes four characters of the autonomous-complaint crime : nature character ,target character ,constitution character and procedure character , in which discusses the intention of the principle 揾andled only upon complaint ? the cultural background of the crime ;and the principle of limited extent of injury. Then ,we make a comparative study to the definition the autonomous-complaint crime in the criminal law and the private prosecution in the criminal procedure law ,and get the conclusion that the autonomous-complaint crime can take two procedures :private prosecution and public prosecution
    The second part discusses the category of the autonomous-complaint crime .From different angle, according to different norm, the autonomous-complaint crime can be divided into five pairs and ten types : the autonomous-complaint crime adopting adopting public prosecution and that adopting private prosecution; and the autonomous-complaint crime infringing and moral right the autonomous-complaint crime infringing proprietary; the native autonomous-complaint crime ;and presumptive autonomous-complaint crime; complete autonomous-complaint crime and incomplete autonomous-complaint crime ;absolute autonomous-complaint crime and comparative autonomous-complaint crime . At the same time ,the author discusses in detail the characters of these types and their mutual relations.
    The third part is about the legal nature of the autonomous-complaint crime .In order to settle the contradiction between the autonomous-complaint crime and some basic criminal theory , the author holds up four views : the doctrine of circumstances of a crime , the doctrine of criminal policy , the doctrine of objective punitive conditions , the doctrine of conditional exemption from criminal responsibility .After the analysis of these views, the author thinks that the autonomous-complaint crime is a condition of the exemption from criminal responsibility.
     The fourth part :the gradation of the autonomous-complaint crime ,including intentional crime''s stopping gradation ,joint crime and several crimes . Is this part ,the author thinks that delictum commissivum .Gefahrdungsdelikte and Erfolgsde li kted should be three types of composition of crime ,not the types of consummated crime . Most of the autonomous-complaint crime are Erfolgsdelikted and consummated crime. To joint crime , the author discusses the coordination between the principle of 揾andled only upon complaint 攁nd the punitive principle of accomplice ,To several crimes ,the view is held that the autonomous-complaint crime should not be Erfolgsqulifizierte Delikte , the punitive principle of the autonomous-complaint crime and its implicated offender  should be that , the principle of 揾andled only upon complaint 攑riors to that ''heavier punishment according to heavier offence?
   The last part is the legislative amendment .Firstly ,the author discusses the coordination of provisions between criminal law and criminal procedure law , and puts up some legislative advises, in which presents the remedy institution with public prosecution .Then ,advises that the criminal law add such institutions as the transfer of the right of complaint , term of time of complaint ,withdraw of the claim and self-accusation of the autonomous-complaint crime .At last ,is question of the extent of the crime''s scope in the field of marriage and family .and protection of the right of privacy .

关键词  亲告罪,刑法,自由词  
分类标识  D924  
论文注解日期  19991215  
总页数  42P

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