管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 15:51  点击:7814
题 名  论侵占罪  
作 者  于世忠  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  刑法学  
指导教师  何鹏  
学位级别  203  
馆藏索取号  2000003  
中文文摘  《论侵占罪》一文, 由前言和正文七章构成。 本文以辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义和邓小平理论为指导, 运用刑法学理论以及采纳民法学的一些研究成果, 对侵占罪进行了系统的理论探索。 本文研究的目的是试图通过对侵占罪立法的历史考察、 对侵占罪概念及其特征的分析、 对侵占罪的认定与处罚的阐述, 一方面建构对侵占罪研究的理论体系, 一方面通过比较方法, 全面、 系统地揭示侵占罪的本质特征和法律特征, 以便科学地指导刑事司法活动, 并对侵占罪立法上的不足提出完善之建议。?
前言部分。 我国刑法中的侵占罪是一个新罪名, 国内学者对侵占罪的研究刚处于起步阶段, 对其进行系统性研究的成果不多见, 但国外及我国台湾地区学者对侵占罪的研究则有较早的历史, 且成果颇丰。 本文在汲取国内外学者对侵占罪研究成果的养份基础上, 寻着他们的足迹, 以对比的方法, 试图对侵占罪的立法及学说作深一步的探索和研究。 目前, 学界对侵占罪争议比较大的问题有以下几点: (1)侵占行为的概念及本质; (2)代为保管的含义; (3)赃物、 封缄物能否构成侵占罪之对象; (4)公有财物所有权能否成为侵占罪之客体; (5)侵占罪是否存在未遂; (6)侵占罪告诉形式的缺欠及补救; (7)遗失物与遗忘物的区别有何意义。 上述争议问题左右着侵占罪是否成立以及侵占罪罪间界限问题, 因此, 对上述问题的系统研究, 不仅对构建侵占罪研究的理论体系有重要意义, 而且对弥补侵占罪缺乏系统理论研究的不足有重要理论意义; 上述问题的解决对科学指导刑事司法活动有重要的实践指导意义。?
第一章, 侵占罪立法的沿革和比较。 考察侵占罪立法的产生和发展, 对侵占罪立法发展的规律性认识以及对侵占罪立法的特点的认识是十分必要的。 纵观侵占罪立法的发展史, 其产生与发展与一定社会形态的财产关系及其复杂程度以及商品经济发达程度密切相关, 说明一定社会形态的侵占罪之内涵和外延是由社会的商品经济发展水平及财产关系的复杂程度决定的, 反映了社会商品经济发达程度的高低决定了某一社会形态通过法律对财产权利保护的程度和要求这样一个规律。 侵占罪立法发展史告诉我们, 侵占罪立法历史悠久; 侵占罪种类较多但重心突出; 侵占罪的处罚由重到轻。 刑罚幅度错落适当, 更趋合理
, 呈现轻刑化趋势。 通过侵占罪立法之比较, 对侵占罪立法值得我们借鉴之处表现在: (1)侵占罪条文前应设立标题; (2)侵占遗忘物、 埋藏物罪应独设条文规定; (3)侵占罪罪状的表述应更加简炼、 抽象, 避免人们对侵占行为引起歧义。?
第二章, 侵占罪概说。 侵占犯罪的社会危害性不单纯是对特定被害人财产权利的侵犯, 更为严重的是侵占者引起普遍的信任危机进而破坏商品经济秩序; 此外, 侵占者的反社会性的极端利己主义的品质和人格会导致行为人具有继续侵犯不特定的财产的倾向性, 因而也具有社会危害性。 各国对侵占罪概念表述上虽存在一定差异, 但均揭示了侵占罪之本质特征。 我国刑法中的侵占罪概念应当表述为: 以非法所有为目的, 将自己持有的他人之物非法据为己有, 数额较大, 拒不退还或拒不交出的行为。 这一表述涵盖了刑法第270条第1款和第2款规定的侵占罪, 既有一定的概括性, 又反映了侵占罪的本质特征即持有他人之物然后非法据为己有, 拒不退还或拒不交出。 我国刑法中侵占罪有两种, 一是普通侵占罪, 一是侵占遗忘物、 埋藏物罪。 由于职务侵占罪不具备普通侵占罪的基本构成要件, 也不是普通侵占罪的加重类型, 因而不属于侵占罪的种类之一。?
第三章, 侵占罪的客体与对象。 侵占罪的客体是公私财物所有权, 而不只限于公民私人财物所有权, 这种认识尽管符合立法宗旨, 但缺乏刑法具体规定的支持, 但有相关法律和司法解释的规定, 这种认识仍不违反罪刑法定原则。 侵占罪客体的认定不能笼统地谈财产所有权, 因为财产所有权内容丰富, 侵犯其中一项或数项权能并不意味着有侵占行为的发生, 只有侵犯所有权中的返还请求权才能达到刑事侵权的程度。 侵占罪的犯罪对象是侵占行为所直接指向的由侵占者业已持有的他人之物, 包括不特定物、 种类物、 无形物、 知识产品、 遗失物、 漂流物、 封缄物等, 但财产性利益不是侵占罪的对象。 遗忘物与遗失物的区分对侵占罪的成立无影响, 因而这种区分对侵占罪的认定无任何实质意义。?
第四章, 侵占罪的客观特征。 “代为保管”、 “非法占为己有”虽然不是侵占行为, 但却是侵占行为发生的必要前提, 没有它们, 就谈不上“拒不退还或拒不交出”的问题, 因而三者共同构成侵占罪的客观特征。 “代为保管”是非财产所有人对自己实际控制的他人之物有妥善保管和返还之义务, 表现为非财物所有人持有他人之物, 而持有他人之物不必基于合法原因。 “非法占为己有”无论以什么方式来表现, 相对侵占行为而言, 其实质就是不法所有之意图; 相对退还持有物或赔偿而言, 它又属于民事侵权行为, 因而具有双重属性。 侵占行为的本质是持有他人之物, 拒不退还或拒不交出, 只能以不作为行为方式来实施。?
第五章, 侵占罪的主体要件和主观要件。 侵占罪的主体属于身份犯, 属于特殊主体, 因为持有关系属于特定关系之一种。 持有人的确认应以谁实际控制他人之物为原则, 无论持有人是否有行为能力。 单位作为侵占罪主体虽无法律依据, 但由于现实生活中, 单位侵占他人财物案件频频发生, 社会危害性较大, 因而在修改刑法时或作司法解释时, 应将单位作为侵占罪主体加以规定。 侵占罪犯罪目的是使侵占者永久地排除所有人对物的所有, 这也是侵占罪故意中意志因素的内容。 侵占罪故意产生的时间标准表现在两方面: (1)在基于合同关系取得他人之物持有的场合, 侵占故意必经发生在持有他人财物之后; (2)在非基于合同关系取得他人之物持有的场合, 侵占故意可以发生在持有他人之物之后, 也可以发生在持有他人之物之前。?
第六章, 侵占罪的认定。 遗忘物与遗失物的区别对认定侵占罪虽无直接影响, 但对认定侵占罪与盗窃罪之区别有重要意义。 侵占罪的本质特征是侵占自己持有的他人之物, 而盗窃、 诈骗罪不是将他人持有的财物非法据为己有。 我国刑法中的侵占罪属行为犯, 侵占罪的既遂应以持有人完成拒不退还或拒不交出他人之物的行为为标准, 同时侵占罪不存在犯罪未遂问题。 对赃物的侵占可能会发生侵占罪与其他犯罪的牵连问题; 在一定条件下, 侵占罪存在连续犯之现象; 侵占罪不存在法条亲合和想象竞合问题; 侵占罪属于状态犯而不是继续犯。 认定侵占罪共同犯罪时须注意共同故意的内容必须一致即都具有永久地剥夺他人财物之返还请求权之故意, 而且共同故意须在侵占行为完成之前形成。?
第七章, 侵占罪的处罚与告诉形式。 数额较大是侵占罪成立的唯一条件; 数额的认定以行为人实际上非法获取的财物数额或给物主造成的实际损失的数额为标准。 侵占委托物与非委托物以及侵占人是否退赃对侵占罪的量刑有重要影响。 侵占罪属贪利型犯罪, 对其适用罚金刑是恰当的, 罚金刑的适用以不让侵占者占便宜但又要考虑侵占者的负担能力为原则。 目前, 侵占罪告诉形式还存在一些缺欠, 诸如, 告诉才处理没有例外的情形; 排斥公安机关的介入致使遗忘物、 埋藏物的主人很难收集证据进入诉讼程序等。 为弥补上述缺欠, 建议在刑法第270条第3款增加一个内容, 即如果侵占案件需要侦查的,
经被害人申请, 公安机关可以介入侦查; 但对侵占行为严重危害社会经济秩序、 生活秩序和国家利益的侵占行为, 不适用告诉才处理。  
英文文摘  The Discussion of Embezzlement is made up of introduction and Seven-chapter main body. This article is guided by dialectical materialism, historical materialism and the Theory of DengXiao ping, using the theory of Criminal law and some study achievement of civil law, and have done systematic study of theory. The purpose of this study on one hand, is to establish a theory system of its study. on the other hand, is to discover the essential characteristic systematically. So that it can guide the criminal administration activities and carry out suggestions for perfecting the legislation.?
Chapter One: Evolution and Comparison of Embezzlement Crime Legislation.?
In order to inspect the emergence and development of embezzlement crime legislation, it is very essential to know the development regularity and characteristic of it. Surveying its development history, we know that the emergence and development is closely related not only to property relationship and its complexity of certain social form, but also to the develepment degree of exchange of commodities. This indicates that the intention and the extended meaning of embezzlement are decided by the duelepment degree of exchange of commodities and the complexity of property relationship, brings to light the regulation that the development degree of market economy resolve that degree and the request of some social form protecting the right of property by law.
Chapter Two: Essentials of Embezzlement.?
The harm, an offender of embezzlement done to the society. isn''t mere the violation to specific victims'' property right. The worse is that the offender arises general credit crisis which further result in the destroy of normal economic order. Moreover, the absolutely anti-social egoism characteristics of the offender make him have a tendency to trespass indefinite property, thus also endangers the society.
Chaper Three: The Object and the Target of the Crime of Embezzlement.
The object of this crime should be limited to the infringement on the private and public property rights. And only infringing the rights of asking for returning reaches the level of criminal infringement. The target of this crime refers to owners'' property that have been under the control of the infringer, not the property interests. It should be pointed out that the distinguishment between the forgotten and the lost has nothing to do with the foundation
of this crime.?
Chapter Four: The Objective Characteristics of Embezzlement.?
Although the acts of "keepment for others" and "illegal ownership" are not the embezzlement acts, they are the necessary premise to the occurance of embezzlement acts, wthout them, there is on way to discuss the problem of "refusing to return or to hand over", so three of them constitute the objective characteristics of embezzlement. "keepment for others" is to say that the nonowner has the obligation to keep appropriately and return others'' property under his control, it manifests that the nonowner possesses others'' property, and the
action is not necessarrily based on legal cause.?
Chapter Five: The Necessary Subject Conditions and the Necessary Mental Conditions For the Embezzlement.
Chapter Six: Affirmation of Embezzlement.?
The difference between the lost thing and the forgotten thing has no direct influence on affirming embezzlement. But it is significant to the difference of affirming the embezzlement and the stealing offence. The essential character of embezzlement is that one embezzles others'' things which are carried by himself while swindling offence or stealing offence means to embezzle illegally others'' property which is carried by others. Embezzlement belongs to action offence in Chinese criminal law. The finishing of an embezzlement should be measured the action that the carrier denies returning or handing out others'' property and at the some time, there is no attempted phenomena about embezzlement.?
Chapter Seven: The Punishment and the Forms of sue of the Embezzlement.?
The huge amount is the only important condition of the embezzlement. According to the qualities of the property that the offender acquired illegally or the quantities of loss that the owner suffered. The standard of the amount should be defined. The major affect of the measurement of penalty depends on whether the offender have disgorged ill-gotten gains and whether the occupied goods is entrusted or not. Because the embezzlement is different from the rapacious crime, the fine punishment is appropriate.

关键词  侵占罪,犯罪,财产,自由词  
分类标识  D924.35  
论文注解日期  20000310  
总页数  141P

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