管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 15:16  点击:5051
题 名  国际经济领域环境措施的法律分析  
作 者  何志鹏  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  国际经济法学  
指导教师  车丕照  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990426  
中文文摘  环境保护是二十世纪整个地球的经济社会、法律、文化主题,受到了所有国家和人民的重视。当此之际,对于在国际经济领域运行的环境保护措施作一番法律分析显得备有必要。

英文文摘  Environmental Protection (EP) is a Plausible and important advocacy after WWII and will still be in the years to come. More and more people. Governments and international organizations have been paying close attention to the quality of our environment. Yet, what we should bear in mind is that not all syl1ogisms which deduced from proper premise are correct, the complexer the conditions are, the more indefinite the results will be. So, it''s quite necessary and useful to analysis the environmental protection measures (EPMs) concretely. From this stand, the author compared EPMS to International Economic Law basic principles such as economic sovereignty, new international economic order (NIEO) and international free trade (IFT) to discover whether the advocacy of EP fits the principles. Thus, three problems are discussed in the dissertation:

关键词  人权,国际保护,国家主权,自由词  
分类标识  D966.1  
论文注解日期  19981215  
总页数  51P

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