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题 名  论侵占罪  
作 者  邓斌  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  刑法学  
指导教师  吴振兴  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990411  
中文文摘  侵占罪是新刑法设立的新罪名,因此有关研究尚很匮乏。然而司法实践中不断出现各种问题,为要善解决这些问题,就必须对侵占罪的理论及实践进行研究。本文是一篇系统深入研究侵占罪的学术论文。全文共分三部分:侵占罪的构成;侵占罪的认定;侵占罪立法的缺陷及完善。

英文文摘  Embezzlement is a new crime in the Criminal Law of China Revised in 1997. Therefore, the research on it is deficient. To handle the problems emerging from judicial proceedings mote research on Embezzlement is necessary. The thesis makes a systematic and deep research on Embezzlement. It is composed of three parts: the constitutional of Embezzlement, the identification of Embezzlement, the defects and development of Embezzlement.
The first part is the focal point in this thesis which gives detailed research on Subject of Embezzlement, subjective Aspects of Embezzlement, Objective Aspects of Embezzlement and Objective of Embezzlement. Based on evaluating the different ideas about Subject of Embezzlement, the author holds that Subject of Embezzlement IS Special. Crime Subject, that is, only the custodian, lost finder and hidden wealth finder can be the Subject of Embezzlement. The author also takes a doubt about the traditional opinion that the Common Object of Property Crime is Ownership. After analyzing the weakness of ownership in civil Law, the author puts forward that the Common Object of property Crime and Object of Embezzlement are not Ownership but Jus in rem. In Objective Aspects of Embezzlement, there are some new ideas about comprehension of "refusing to return" and "refusing to surrender".
The second part discusses the identification of Embezzlement in two sides the differences between Embezzlement and other crime, the number of crime. To-identify Embezzlement exactly the author focuses his mind on the differences between Embezzlement and some similar crime including Larcery. Professional Embezzlement, Furtum Ablatum and Intentionally Destroying property. The part also contains the elaboration about the number of Crime and the resolutions of all difficulties. Based on the efficient demonstration, the author holds that Embezzlement hasn''t inchoate crime.
In the last part, the author points out some defects in the legislation of embezzlement and provides some effective measures to amend it. There are five defects in the legislation including Careless in using language Vacancy of Subject of crime, Extension of criminality, Obscurity in Penalty provision and Difficulties in private prosecution.

关键词  侵占罪,构成,认定,立法缺陷,自由词  
分类标识  D924  
论文注解日期  19981215  
总页数  46P


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