管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 15:07  点击:4640

题 名  论不能犯  
作 者  郑军男  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  刑法学  
指导教师  吴振兴  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990409  
中文文摘  本文运用比较学的研究方法并结合考察各国的不能犯理论,对我国刑法关于不能犯的理论进行了探析。全文共分为五部分:不能犯论的创立、不能犯的本质、不能犯的一般理论、不能犯的认定、我国不能犯理论具体适用之探析。

英文文摘  The author reflects on the views about "delit impossible " in Chinese criminal law with comparative ways. Combining theories about delit impossible in different countries. The whole thesis consists of five parts.
The first part makes an on-the-spot historical investigation on delit impossible and clears its meaning the delit impossible was established: there is no connection between exterior action and intentional crime. That is the crime can''t happen absolutely according to natural course. However, F. Baha''s opinion about delit impossible was criticized. By lots of scholars, the point at issue is how to recognize the essence of attempt and irregularity.
The second part discusses the essence of attempt. After describing the theory of subjective attempt and objective attempt, the author points out that the essence of attempt is its peril and rethinks deeply the views about delit impossible in Chinese criminal law. The author also believes that delit impossible isn''t a type of attempt, but a kind of special crime.
The third part discusses the ontology of delit impossible. The author holds that delit impossible is the situation that the behavior carries out criminality to realize means, but for the errors in his subjection the criminality couldn''t produce the constitutional result or the constitution of cheat crime.
The forth part focuses on the research of the identification of the delit impossible. After analyzing of the notion of peril that is the criterion which can identify the establishment of the delit impossible, the author puts forward that the identification of delit impossible hasn''t a fixed method and the methods have value conflicts.
The last part criticizes the application of the theory of delit impossible in our country, the author also points out that in essence the theory of delit impossible is based on-subjective idealism and the grounds of punishing delit impossible lie in the subjective peril in the behavior''s subjection.

关键词  不能犯,未遂犯,危险概念,自由词  
分类标识  D924  
论文注解日期  19981215  
总页数  62P  


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