管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 14:51  点击:6019

题 名  论浮动担保制度  
作 者  黄海  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  民法学  
指导教师  崔建远
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990405  
中文文摘  浮动担保是首创于英国法上的颇具特色的一种担保方式。它以不仅允许担保人占有担保财产,而且更赋予其对担保财产在通常营业范围内为处分的权力为特征,较为彻底的贯彻了民法上物尽其用的原则,受到经济界的欢迎并为世界上很多国家所借鉴。
由于浮动担保制度的起源、发展都在英国,因此,是在第一部分中首先以英国法为背景对浮动担保进行了较为详细的制度分析。浮动担保首创于上个世纪的Hoiloyd v.Marshall(1862)一案,在一百多年来得到发展并最终被英国法所确立。由于浮动担保在英国法上并没有一个明确的概念,因此我对浮动担保做了一个简单的释义,即:公司在一类流动性财产上设定担保并享有权利在此类财产上为通常经营所为之行为,当一定事件发生时,债权人可以使其担保权利附着在公司现有和嗣后取得的财产之上。英国法和判例只允许登记的公司设立浮动担保,并对担保人所享有的权力做了明确的规定。由于浮动担保允许担保人处分担保财产之特性,因此其对交易安全存在很大的威胁,对于这种弊端的防止,英国法是通过制定较为详尽的优先权规则、登记制度、结晶制度来达到的。由于对于浮动担保英国法上有独特的接管人制度,对此我也做了一定的论述。浮动担保由于其制度优越性,它也为世界上许多国家所接受。对此我做了简要介绍。

英文文摘  Floating charge was the creation of England Common law which has more than one hundred years history. It features as not only the possession of the security property need not be transferred to the chargee, hut also the chargor still obtains the right of doing business on the security property on the ordinary course of business, it reflects the need of modern economy and is accepted by a lot of countries, whose legal tradition both on Common Law and Rome Law.
China is on the way to the market economy which need more commitments to the international legal practice. As floating charge has been largely recognized by the international society in lot of fields especially in the international trade area, China should integrate it into her own legal system. Also, China is stipulating a totally new Property Law which proclaims that it will try to accept all the merits both in China''s own civil law history and the western successful experience. It is a good opportunity to adopt floating charge in the new legislation without too much obstacles.
Facing the fact that little research about floating charge has been done in China, This dissertation was prepared to make up this loophole and I hope it can has sonic positive effects on China''s new Property Law.
The dissertation has been divided into two parts. In the first part, the research is focused on the England''s floating charge system which is the perfect model of being studied. A brief history of floating charge is introduced and the discretion of its meaning is given, although almost all the well-known Common Wealth judges refused to give a notion of the concept. In England law, only the registered company can issue floating charge and two legislations excluded the possibility of expanding it to individuals and non-registered company. The England regulation about floating charge''s priority rule, registration, crystallization and receivership is also detailed discussed in this part. Because floating charge is not a unique legal matter which exist in England but a lot of other nations, the brief introduction of those countries accepting floating charge is give.
Because of the differences between the two legal systems (Common Law and Rome Law), it maybe difficult in accepting an alien system. The possibility of adopting floating charge by China, which is deemed to he a Rome Law county, is first discussed in the beginning of the second part.
The theoretical premise of adopting floating charge is whether it meets the requirement of the three basic principles of property law favored by the Rome Law system. The no conflict conclusion results from the afterward-detailed discussion.
Then, the blueprint of China''s own floating charge system is generally designed in the following sections.

关键词  浮动担保,结晶,登记,自由词  
分类标识  D923  
论文注解日期  19981215  
总页数  38P


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