管理员 发布时间:2003-06-02 14:43  点击:5081

题 名  论对行政权的监督与制约  
作 者  丁甫久  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  法学理论  
指导教师  崔卓兰  
学位级别  303  
馆藏索取号  3990403  
中文文摘  在古代的传统社会中,行政权力是高度集中统一的君权的核心与主要行使方式,是集立法权、行政权、司法权于一体的权力。资本主义产生后,随着“权力分治”等理论与实践的发展,行政权力逐渐由君主手中至高无尚的私物,驱动全部国家活动的轴心,转化为与一般立法、司法权力相对应的公共权力的一种。

英文文摘  In a traditional society of the ancient times, administrative power, as the core of the highly organized and united monarchical power and one of the major means for its functioning, is inclusive of legislative power, executive power and judicial power Ever since the emergence of capitalism, along with the development of the theory of "power division", administrative power has been gradually turned from the private matter in the hands of the monarch and the axis for the activities of a nation into one type of public power corresponding to legislative power, judicial power figured out in their general sense.
Administrative tort is usually taken to mean the infringement act on the part of the administrative institutions and administrative officials who infringe on the legal tights of citizens, legal bodies, and many other social organizations. It finds its full expression in such acts as lack of critical testimony, application of improper law violation of lawful procedures overstepping and abusing one''s authority, failing to fulfill or delaying fulfilling one''s legal responsibilities etc. In day-to-day life, many administrative infringement acts occur in the course of the management activities of the public officials.
Abusing one''s authority is the violation of law with respect to administration. It is certain to directly or indirectly infringe on the legal lights of citizens and legal bodies, thus constituting an administrative infringement act. It is the violation of law, not an improper administrative act. Taken together, as many as six types of abusing one''s authority have been to date identified and studied. It is worthwhile to mention that administrative supervision has been developed on the ground of such features of administrative power as infringement, expansion, randomness, lack of self-control consciousness and self-discipline mechanism. Seeing that administrative institutions possess power, it is suggested that the exercise of administrative power be brought under supervision.
True, the three branches of the system of administrative law in China do contribute more or less to the restriction of administrative power. It is also true that at present, a system of administrative supervision has been developed in the society. Yet, there do exist many inadequacies. No such dictionary as that of administrative procedures has ever been published in China. To worsen the matter, administrative law in China tends to supervise its administrative institutions, but ignores the cultivation of the qualities of its public officials. It thus follows that efforts should be made to perfect administrative procedures on the one hand, and to improve the selection and cultivation of public officials on the other.
Issues of legal responsibilities of public officials have been touched upon in Administrative Procedures Law and Compensation Law of P R.C.
In view of all these facts, it is suggested that an administrative compensation system be established. The system is composed of special procedures for compensation.
It should be borne in mind that it is necessary and significant to improve and perfect the system of compensating responsibilities for it will do good to the public officials'' being industrious, clean-handed, acting in accordance with law, it will also do good to safeguarding the rights of citizens, as well as exercising the function of administrative power to the full. Last but not least is that it is instrumental in fully exercising the function of people''s courts and people''s procuratorates for superintending the administrative work of administrative institutions at all levels.

关键词  行政权,公务员,监督制约,自由词  
分类标识  D(9)31  
论文注解日期  19990415  
总页数  52P


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