管理员 发布时间:2003-01-09 12:52  点击:5241

学位论文题名  我国现阶段立法质量的法理分析
论文作者      布小林
作者单位      吉林大学
专    业      法学理论
指导教师      张文显
并列题名      Jurisprudential analysis to the legislation quality in today''s China
学位级别 203
英文文摘 Improvement of the quality of legislation must be sufficiently emphasized,which is the prerequisite and basis for effectively carrying out the basic strategy of constructing the state ruled by law, as well as the inevitable demand of accomplishing the economic system of socialist market.It is an important measure in promoting the efficiency of apparatus of state and an important guarantee of lawful rights and interests of the citizens and other organizations.The dissertation consists of two parts. Part one is composed of two chapters. Chapter One is about the general theory of the quality of legislation, and inquires into the concept and connotation of the quality of legislation as well as the relation between the quality of legislation and legislation itself. Chapter two discusses the quality and the influencing factors of the legislation at the present stage.Part Two contains six chapters. Chapter Three is about the ideology in legislation, which is the soul of the quality of legislation.The ideology in legislation in this dissertation deals mainly with the integration of the guiding ideology, the purpose and the value of legislation which influence the quality of legislation. Chapter Four discusses the legislative structure, which is the institutiona guarantee of the quality of legislation.Chapter Five expounds the legislative procedure, which is the procedural guarantee of the quality of legislation. Chapter Six is about the technique in legislation, which is the technical support of the quality of legislation. Chapter Seven discusses the supervision of legislation, which is the error-correcting mechanism. The chapter expounds the relation between supervision of legislation and quality of legislation. Chapter Eight is about legislators, which is the subjective guarantee of the quality of legislation. On the above analyzing the quality of legislation , I raise some suggestions on improving the quality of legislation at the present stage of our country.
索书号 2010057
主题词 立法质量法理分析立法
分类号 DF01
论文答辩日期 2001061020010510
论文页码总数 200P
论文页码总数 ref110
文献语种 zh
记录来源 吉林大学
记录流水号 DA200112005977

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