管理员 发布时间:2005-06-06 10:19  点击:4406






  The development of economic, political and social relationships over the past few decades has acquired dimensions and characteristics that are gradually rising above frontiers and State powers, ignoring the administrative and political divisions between peoples.
  Individual acts and decisions, however remote, can be transported by the media, the new information technologies, economic networks and movements of people in a manner that can affect the life and destinies of distant peoples anywhere in the world.
  Many human activities now take place at global level. We are active and passive agents in a great river of interactions in a global society. To express this new reality, we use the generic term globalization’. However, we should not forget that it is a complex, many-faceted network that is increasingly more vast and intense. There is an economic globalization consisting primarily in the globalization of financial markets, the expansion of an international market of goods, services and workers. Obviously, we are facing the birth of a super state or transnational economy that largely escapes State authority. Economic globalization is making the social ills of our times even worse.
  However, this is not only an economic issue. There is also a globalization of cultural patterns, of environmental effects, of communications and also of insecurity and conflicts.
  We know that the outcome of this complex increase in human exchanges has been an increase in economic well-being and a cultural enrichment for some segments of the world population. However, at the same time, we are witnessing the appalling suffering, lack of culture and marginalization that threatens millions of human beings. Lack of food, lack of access to drinking water, endemic diseases, illiteracy and superstition are the only horizon in the lives of entire populations. Global economic ties between countries, large corporations and all kinds of economic agents are frequently accompanied by financial speculation beyond all control, wicked exploitation of workers, the persistent and increasing exploitation of children, discrimination of women and entire peoples dispossessed of their natural resources through corruption and bribery of illegitimate political authorities.
Thus, the globalized society is a poorly structured society with a perverse effect on hundreds of millions of human beings. Following the terminology in vogue, we could talk of ‘global injustice’.
  There can be no doubt that such injustice and social imbalances give rise to unstoppable flows of immigrants who, pushed by extreme need, attempt again and again to enter foreign countries, against all hope. However hostile these countries may be, they offer a remote possibility of survival with dignity.
The unstoppable invasion of messages and communications of all kinds via computer networks, with their wonderful cultural and scientific logos, do not manage to hide the fact that thousands of human beings, alienated from a strange culture, turn to their traditions and beliefs in search of refuge. This reaction may promote ethnic intolerance, aggressive nationalism and religious fundamentalism, with an obvious increase of strained international relationships and the eventual appearance of terrorism and war.
  We also observe increasing threats to the environment, the irrational exploitation of natural resources and an uncontrolled consumption of an irreplaceable environmental heritage.
  The new system of economic, social and cultural relationships demands a new international order. Among other things, globalization means a social process under scant control and governance, frequently lead by powers with little or no democratic legitimacy. Until now, the power of nation-States had achieved some degree of social justice, at least in the developed States. The breaking up of state borders and serious social ills that state powers may no longer be able to solve demand more effective authority and governance. Above all, they must be more legitimate. In a sense, it could be said that globalization is a new social phenomenon that has placed the international society in a kind of wild state that requires a degree of rationalization. The paradigm of state democracy has become insufficient, although States are still the main players in the international order. They may still work effectively to stop the perverse effects of a new system of economic, political, social and cultural relationships that is becoming a reality beyond State boundaries. The law and justice that presides international relations becomes increasingly complex and diverse each day but they do not manage to become stronger. The international organisations that encourage them are incapable of implementing them. Their discoursed is reduced to mere exhortations, whereas actual international exchanges have become unpredictable and anonymous. Injustice and inequality are growing. Non-governmental organisations and the individuals and groups that make up global civil society are playing an important role in denouncing these situations, but they can do little more.
  Likewise, international authorities and institutions suffer very serious democratic deficiencies. We need to strengthen and give more legitimacy to current international institutions, whether they are strictly political or economic. We need to create new institutions that will be capable of lessening the weakness of democratic States in the face of these new social situations.
  It is essential to make political debate more honest and more concerned with important problems, instead of strategies and slogans. Therefore, we feel that it is our duty to call our governments and fellow citizens, international organisations and the big international institutions to adopt a new and decisive attitude, and to integrate equality and freedom as effective values for all human beings so that all aspects of globalization will be subject to the rule of law. Increasingly, this law should obey the will of people in general and not the will of a few. The 21St century faces the huge challenge of constituting a new world order in which human rights will be the real foundation of law and politics. To achieve this, we feel that it is essential to return to politics in the noblest sense, and for citizens to recover their awareness and appreciation of their rights.

                                  Granada, 27 May 2005


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