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题 名  近代西方刑法思想的转折  
作 者  赵嵬  
作者单位  吉林大学,法学院,长春市 130012  
专 业  刑法学  
指导教师  高格
学位级别  203  
馆藏索取号  2990005  
中文文摘  本文是对近代西方刑法思想的逻辑发展的阐释分析。近代西方刑法思想的转折是指西方刑法思想由刑事古典学派向刑事实证学派的观念转变,两学派成为当今世界各国的刑事立法的主要理论基础。正确分析两派的学术观点,对于完善我国的理论刑法学,深化刑事立法的理论基础,具有十分现实的理论意义。文章分上、中、下三篇,共十章。

英文文摘  Chapter one, the source of classical school.
Chapter two, classical school and its problems.
Chapter three, positive school and its change. As the counterpart of classical school beside some practical factors, the science and humanism also have influence on the rising of positive school, it include Darwan''s theory of degeneration, phrenology, statistics, etc; In the area of methodology, they change from analysis to experimental method; We think that in the course of changing from classical school to positive school, there is no change from the individual notion to social notion
Chapter four, the theory of criminal causes. This chapter analysis the change of criminal cause from the free will theory to determinism According the view of positive school, the reason of the notion of free will is that people have no knowledge en the factors which decide our decision Thinkers of positive school have different criminal cause theory, from Fern''s one reason theory to Liszt''s multiple reasons theory, it also means the changing frau criminal anthropology to criminal sociology.
Chapter five, social responsibility aid the aim of punishment From the criminal cause theory, thinkers of positive school certainly assert social responsibility, because when we dispute free will theory, the moral responsibility is insufficient, so the crime is decided by multiple reasons aid society should apply punishment to protect itself, and to apply measure of safety to people who have dangerous characters The aim of punishment is to protect society, it is a kind of individual prevention to special criminals instead of general prevention on moral retribution.
Chapter six, the classification of criminals One character of positive school is from classification of crime to classification of criminals. Because the reason of crime is difference, researchers have their different classification, for example, Ferri divided criminals into insane criminals, native criminals, recidivists, occasional criminals, personal criminals, and this kind of theory is the foundation of changing the punishment system.
Chapter seven, correctonalization of criminals and reformation of punishments Thinkers of positive school maintain that different criminals have different criminal specialties and should have different correction. For example, Ferri think that beside the substitution for punishment, the native criminals should be applied indefinite sentence, the recidivist should also be applied the punishment sane as the native criminals, the insane criminals should be sent into asylum for criminal insane, for the occasional criminals and passinal criminals, the short imprisonment is useless, and the damage is enough.
Chapter eight, positive school aids the criminal policy. The thought of western criminal policy is formed at the tine of positive school, aid positive school also have direct effect on the event of social defense, it is the source of the event of social defense, certainly, the event of social defense have its special characters compared with positive school, it embodies the influence from modern social science aid science of arts
Chapter nine, posit lye school aid the rising of measure of safety. The source of measure of safety is the positive school, as the solo system of positive school, it first appeared in Cohn''s dualism, it means to apply punishment on criminal act, to apply measure of safety on the person who have personal dangerousness; Liszt asserted "the aim of punishment", he think that the indefinite sentence should be applied to criminals; In Stooss bill, in the first tine, the measure of safety was put into the criminal legislation, as a dualism, it both embody the retribution aid prevention; Ferri think that the punishment aid measure of safety should be one thing, it is a kind of monism.
Chapter ten, views from the history of criminal law thought.

关键词  刑法思想,古典学派,实证学派,自由词  
分类标识  D924  
论文注解日期  19990505  
总页数  179P  


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